Morning Report BWAC

Step 1 – Print the AutoClerk Report

Following completion of the Night Audit. In AutoClerk Cloud, go to Reports > Manager > Manager’s Report. The date should already be yesterday’s. Check the box next to “Include Last Years Data” and click Submit Query. Leave the Display Method as “Screen” for now, otherwise the report will print sideways cutting off the section we want to look at.

The Manager’s Report will now appear on screen. From here, you may want to print the report. It should print in normal portrait format and all the data we’ll be looking at will appear on one page. If you prefer to leave the report on the screen and transfer the numbers over, that works too!

Step 2 – Complete the morning report

Using the Managers Report, the columns under “Occupancy” for Today, MTD, and LYMTD. You’ll notice the form below is asking for the same information. Simply fill in the data asked for as displayed. Note the LYMTD is separated from the other information by two columns.

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